AGM 2019 Update

AGM Update
New MNA Chair : Nina Moore
New Officiating Secretary : Hannah Drewett
New Senior League Admin : Bayleigh Mitchell and Aalish Bridson
Louise Skelly remains MNA Secretary
Kitty Cassidy remains as Treasurer.
Hannah retains her fund raising role but will be looking to hand this over at some point. Anyone interested??????
Next season key dates so far:
31/7 - each club to confirm number of teams being entered, so if you haven't confirmed if you will be playing for us next season or not please can you
31/8 - players to be affiliated and fees paid to MNA (via club)
31/8 - team fees to be paid
8/9 - likely start of league
There will be a new MNA membership system rolled out in July - training will be available
The constitution was updated and approved it will shortly be on the website.
MNA fees for the season
Junior U11 at 1.9.19 £15
Junior U14 at 1.9.19 £20
Junior U17 at 1.9.19 £25
Senior, 17 and over at 1.9.19 £55
Social Member £15 (those that just want to train and not play matches)
Costs to Members will include the fees above PLUS additional MNA fees to cover the cost of hiring the courts and payments for Umpires and Scorers etc and any Club fees to cover our court hire.